**Title: Kaspa Developer Shai Deshe Addresses Privacy Concerns in Community Development**

In a recent statement on social media, Shai Deshe Wyborski, a PhD candidate in quantum cryptography and a core developer of the Kaspa network, weighed in on the topic of privacy within the project. Deshe noted, “I’m not aware of privacy ever being on the table, but that doesn’t mean that it wasn’t. There is no point in a community vote, since those currently developing Kaspa don’t want to build a privacy coin.” His comments come amidst discussions in the community regarding the potential for Kaspa to evolve into a privacy-centric platform.

Deshe’s remarks highlight the current stance of the core development team, emphasizing that their focus does not include integrating privacy features into Kaspa. This stance raises questions about the future direction of the network, particularly as privacy continues to be a key concern within the cryptocurrency space.

Deshe further elaborated that attempting to transform Kaspa into a privacy coin would require significant changes and considerations at various levels of development. The implications of adopting privacy features could dramatically alter the foundational principles and goals of the Kaspa project, which currently prioritizes scalability and speed.

As discussions around privacy in cryptocurrencies increasingly come to the forefront, Deshe’s insights reflect a clear delineation of Kaspa’s objectives and the vision of its developers. While the community may engage in dialogue around potential changes, the core team remains committed to its original roadmap.

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