Kaspa migration from Go language to Rust is starting to pick up again, it was stalled at 20% for a couple of weeks. According to kaspalytics.com nodes running Rust are currently at 29% as of 9:00 a.m. EST on May 8, 2024. A few hours before that, it was at 26%, so Rust looks to be picking up steam again. Some believe Tier 1’s are waiting for the Rust Migration to be complete before Tier 1 exchanges pick up the fastest proof of work coin.

Kaspa nodes running Rust

T.A. investors like Jim Ski Bum believe that exchanges may be picking up Kaspa currently by using bots to manipulate prices.

He said he has no way to prove it, but exchanges could ping-pong the price as long as possible to pick up liquidity for their order books.