In today’s tutorial, we’ll be guiding you through the steps to install a CLI Wallet on Windows using Kaspad. After successfully syncing your kaspad node, you can create and use a command-line interface wallet with the kaspawallet.exe program.
To get started, open a new command prompt and navigate to your kaspad folder. From there, you can run “kaspawallet.exe -h” to see the available options and commands for the wallet. You can also create a multi-sig wallet, which allows multiple users to share and manage funds.
Creating a new wallet is as simple as running “kaspawallet.exe create” and setting a secure password. Make sure to store this password safely, as well as the “keys.json” file that is generated in the AppData folder.
Once your wallet is set up, you can start the wallet daemon by running “kaspawallet.exe start-daemon.” This will sync your wallet with the Kaspa network. To manage your funds, use the wallet commands in the command prompt, such as “kaspawallet.exe balance -v” to check your balance.
To receive Kaspa coins, create a new address with “kaspawallet.exe new-address” and use it to request a transaction from the Kaspa faucet. To send coins, you’ll need to input the receiving address and the amount using the send command.
Remember to never share your keys.json file or password with anyone. For additional support, you can reach out to AvogHadro, a Community Helper in the Kaspa Discord.
Stay connected with the Kaspa community through their official website, wiki, Medium, Teletype, Discord, Telegram, Twitter, Reddit, GitHub, and Explorer. And don’t forget to look for Bubblegum Lightning on the Kaspa discord for more information.