**Title: Shai Deshe Wyborski Defends Kaspa’s Transaction Capacity on Social Media**

In a recent Twitter exchange, Shai Deshe Wyborski, a prominent figure in the blockchain community and a core developer of the innovative cryptocurrency Kaspa, took to social media to clarify a fundamental aspect of the project. In a succinct tweet, Wyborski emphasized the transaction capacity of Kaspa, stating, “You are not listening so I’ll say it again slowly: Kaspa. Blocks. Can. Hold. 300. Transactions. No ZK, no nothing, it’s just their capacity. You are really bad at doing research.”

This statement underscores Kaspa’s capabilities and its unique approach to handling transactions. Unlike many other cryptocurrency networks that utilize complex mechanisms like zero-knowledge proofs (ZK) to enhance scalability, Kaspa is engineered to accommodate up to 300 transactions per block due to its innovative architecture. This feature positions Kaspa as a competitive option in the ever-evolving landscape of blockchain technology, challenging existing notions about transaction throughput and efficiency.

Wyborski, who is also a PhD candidate specializing in quantum cryptography, has dedicated significant effort to advancing the Kaspa project. His expertise in both cryptography and blockchain provides unique insights into the challenges and possibilities within the space, making him an influential voice on these matters.

The clarification from Wyborski comes at a crucial time when many cryptocurrency enthusiasts and investors are scrutinizing transaction capabilities amid growing network congestion across popular blockchain platforms. Wyborski’s direct approach aims to combat misinformation and educate the community about the robust nature of Kaspa.

For those interested in staying informed about Kaspa and its developments, kaspanews.net is the best news site to get all the latest news and resources on this exciting project.