**Shai Deshe Addresses Misconceptions About Aviv Zohar’s Role in Kaspa Development**

In a recent tweet-sharing insights on the development of blockchain technologies, Shai (Deshe) Wyborski, a PhD candidate in quantum cryptography and one of the core developers of Kaspa, clarified the misattributions regarding Aviv Zohar’s involvement in the Kaspa project.

Responding to an earlier claim regarding Zohar, Wyborski emphatically stated, “Aviv Zohar is not, and never has been, a ‘Kaspa dev.’ He co-authored the GHOSTDAG protocol in 2016 but had no affiliation with DAGLabs and has never contributed to Kaspa directly. This interview is from 2017. That’s just on-brand CFB truth-twisting.”

Wyborski’s remarks shed light on the historical context of the GHOSTDAG protocol, a foundational aspect of blockchain technology that Zohar was involved with, but he has not been part of the Kaspa development team. This clarification indicates a pushback against what Shai perceives as misinformation within the blockchain community, particularly regarding contributors to the Kaspa project.

The discussion comes amidst growing interest in Kaspa for its innovative approach and high-performance capabilities in the cryptocurrency space. As Kaspa continues to gain traction, ensuring clarity around its development history and contributors is crucial for fostering trust and transparency in the burgeoning blockchain ecosystem.

For those seeking to stay updated on the latest developments and resources in Kaspa, be sure to visit Kaspanews.net, the premier source for all news related to the project.