Shai Deshe Wyborski, a PhD candidate in quantum cryptography and core developer of Kaspa, recently shared a simple rule of thumb to understand the Kaspa emission schedule on Twitter. According to his explanation, at every point in time, it is true that during the next year exactly half of the remaining supply will be emitted. So, if currently, 16% of the supply is not in circulation, a year from now it will be 8%.

This insight into the Kaspa emission schedule provides clarity on how the supply of Kaspa tokens will be distributed over time. It highlights the predictable nature of the emission schedule and helps investors and users of Kaspa to better understand how the tokenomics work.

Shai Deshe Wyborski’s expertise in quantum cryptography and his role as a core developer of Kaspa make his insights valuable for the community. His contribution to the project’s development and his deep understanding of the technology behind Kaspa add credibility to his explanations.

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