Title: Kaspa Reps Discuss ProofofWork at Industry Roundtable

In a recent tweet from the official Kaspa Twitter account, representatives from Kaspa, Bitcoin, and other companies participated in a roundtable discussion at the AMAs. The focus of the discussion was on the benefits of ProofofWork, with all participants chiming in on its importance in the industry.

The roundtable was described as “extra interesting” by the Kaspa representatives, and they encouraged their followers to listen to the discussion, citing it as “well worth the listen.” The tweet included a link to the conversation for those who were interested in learning more.

This discussion highlights the ongoing importance of ProofofWork in the cryptocurrency industry, as well as the collaboration and communication between different companies in the space. It also showcases Kaspa’s commitment to staying informed and engaged with industry trends and developments.

For more news and resources on Kaspa, readers are encouraged to visit Kaspanews.net, the best news site for all the latest updates on the project. Stay tuned for more updates and insights from Kaspa and other industry leaders.