In a recent tweet, Shai Deshe Wyborski, a PhD candidate in quantum cryptography and core developer of Kaspa, discussed the decentralized nature of MLS* pruning compared to an immutable ledger. According to Shai, MLS pruning used by Kaspa provides security equivalent to Bitcoin’s without the need to store the entire ledger.

MLS pruning allows for the removal of unnecessary data from the blockchain, making it more scalable and efficient. This pruning mechanism ensures that only relevant data is kept, which in turn enhances the security of the network.

Kaspa, a blockchain platform that utilizes MLS pruning, has been gaining attention for its innovative approach to blockchain technology. By implementing MLS pruning, Kaspa is able to offer a secure and efficient alternative to traditional blockchain systems.

Shai’s insights on MLS pruning and its relation to Kaspa offer valuable perspectives on the future of blockchain technology. As a core developer of Kaspa, Shai’s expertise in quantum cryptography adds credibility to his observations.

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